夏の始まり (でも寒い)

■ 序章


fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

■ 輝石之章


fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

■ 飛翔之章


fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

■ 圧倒之章

ラストに向けて! 間近で見る花火、是非体験をしていただきたいシーンです。

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi

■ 寂之章

空きフィルムケースに入れて引き出しの中に。 (持っててもしょうがないけど捨てるのも勿体ないのよ...)

fireworks of adachi, by adachi, in adachi, for adachi